How to seal a gash in drip tubing
Repairing a gash in drip tubing is a simple operation. First make a a clean cut on either side of the gash and insert a coupler into the tubing between the two ends of tubing.
You can use a compression coupler or a lock fitting coupler. The compression coupler requires slight force to connect and once attached can not be removed, however it will not change the interior dimension of the tubing. A lock fitting coupler can be removed but it will make the interior of the tubing in the repaired area smaller.
To use a lock fitting coupler simply insert the tubing into the fitting and turn the locking mechanism at the end of the fitting. If you are repairing microtubing you will use a barbed coupler to make the repair.
Then you will want to remove the end caps from the tubing line and flush the line of dirt and debris that may have gotten inside the tubing.
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