What Type of grass do I Have?
So, I’m new at this. Without having to purchase many books and spending countless hours reading literature with big words, how do I determine whether I have cool season grass or warm season grass?
In this section we are going to break down the key attributes of each type.
Cool Season Grasses
You will find this type of grass hiding out in the northern areas where it is nice and cool. They grow the best during the cooler months of spring and fall. Once Mother Nature’s air conditioner turns off in the summer, they typically tend to become dormant.
Some common cool-season grass species are :
Bentgrass |
Kentucky Bluegrass |
Rough Bluegrass |
Red Fescue |
Annual Ryegrass |
Perennial Ryegrass |
Warm Season Grasses
Since you will find this type in the South, you know they will be adapted to the heat even in the drought areas. They tend to kick their growth into overdrive during the hottest parts of summer.
Unlike the Cool Season grass, they become dormant once the cooler seasons approach. Zoysiagrass and bermudagrass are two of thebest known species of warm season grasses.
Some common cool-season grass species are:
Carpet |
Centipede |
St. Augustine |
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